Sharing the love of reading and the joy of writing.
Margi would love to make an in-person or virtual visit to your classroom or library, speak at your conference, or conduct a writing workshop or residency.
Below are few things to get you started. To schedule a visit, please contact Margi’s booking manager Lisa Nadel at You can download her school visit kit here. For other questions, contact Margi >
For Schools
Margi’s interactive presentations are 30 minutes for K-2 and are 50-60 minutes for grades 4-8. She’s happy to speak with large or small groups, classrooms or school events, up to three presentations per day. Download her school visit kit here >
Author Fees
Margi loves working with schools and nonprofits and can adjust her fees based on your budget. Please contact Lisa Nadel at or contact Margi for more information.
Workshops & More
For writing workshops and residencies, or for conference and other speaking engagements, please contact Margi with the specific details about your event and participants.
book sales
Book sales really help make a school visit or workshop special. Margi will happily sign and personalize books in advance of her visit or after her presentation. Book order forms are included in her school visit kit here >
““Words cannot express how grateful I am for what happened yesterday. I have been thinking about all the ways the things that you and Nelly shared will impact our students. I believe the experience will be unforgettable to them, to me, and to one of the veteran teachers of 35+ years who said that she had never had such an enriching experience in her entire career. Truly the value of that hour is immeasurable.” ”
School Presentations
K - Grade 3
How a Book Comes to Be
Focusing on her picture books, Margi discusses how a book comes to be, from germ of an idea to finished book and all the steps in between. This 30-40 minute presentation may include tips on how to predict the weather from nature signs, reveal the biggest, tallest, and oldest trees on Earth, and participants may demonstrate how bridges lift up, lower, or otherwise allow ships to pass through. There will be lots of questions, plenty of answers, giant pine cones, and possibly a thunderstorm.
Grade 4 - Adult
Spies, Sleuths, Samurai, and Scoundrels
In writing as in life, the road is a bumpy one, and the lessons are the same: the value of setbacks, the importance of resilience, and the power of revision, revision, revision. This interactive presentation gives an overview of Margi’s books, how her own childhood reading influenced what she writes now, and the “stories behind the stories” (with pictures). An optional writing component asks the question: Spy, Sleuth, Samurai, or Scoundrel—what kind of writer are you? As always, Q&A. Follow up materials for classroom use.
Custom Presentations
True Stories and Historical Fiction
Is your class, school, or group reading one (or more) of Margi’s books? Margi will customize her presentation to focus on the story of that book. Learn the true stories that inspired her historical fiction and learn about some of the real people (like the real “scoundrels” who inspired the characters in Village of Scoundrels—above). All about the research, writing, and the all important role of revision, revision, revision.
Extra classroom material includes Reader’s Guides and links to interviews.
The Fur Trade and Voyageur History
Especially for classes studying Minnesota history or the fur trade era, grades 3 - 6. There’s plenty of fun and mayhem when a red squirrel joins a brigade of voyageurs on their way to the trading post at Grand Portage. But there’s plenty of history here too: How and how far the voyageurs traveled, what they carried, what they ate, where they slept, how their canoes were constructed and who built them, all about the rough and tumble Rendezvous and the fur trade that took place there. Margi shares her research into this period in Minnesota history while students may be asked to help out with paddles, puppets, costumes, and dramatizations.
More praise
(We know it’s not very Minnesotan to brag about yourself.)
From Teachers
“Margi was wonderfully engaging during our Skype visit! My 4th grade students were thrilled . . . Margi shared insights into her writing process and discussed the complex process of research when writing historical fiction. I highly recommend a Skype visit with Margi!”
“We are still savoring your visit with us here at Deerwood Elementary! We use your writing tips and insights on a regular basis!”
“Please accept our sincere thanks for meeting with Ranney’s sixth graders today, Mrs. Preus. You are so patient with the kids and they were certainly informed and entertained. ”
“Margi Preus was a joy to work with. She was professional, prepared for anything, and she had great rapport with students of all ages. ”
“Your presentation was engaging and your separate conversations with each group of students had real impact.”
From Students
“Thank you for skypeing with us. You are the best author I meet or the only one.”
Now I like to read because of you. —Trey, 6th grade
You are an awesome storyteller. —Jason , 4th grade
I think the most impact that you made on me is that you never give up on fixing all the writing mistakes you made. And that your ruft draft pile is AMAZING! — Sophia
Thank you for inspiring me to write and work hard. — Lilly
You should come again for younger grades, because we went wild about you coming. — Mela
Thank you for taking so much of your time and sacrificing it. — Max
You inspired me to write my own book. — Takarah
Your books are awesome and your speech was pretty cool. — Riley
I really liked listening to the stuff that you said. —Marlee, 4th grade
I aspire to be like you. — Stefani
I appreciate you coming to show us what it is like to be a writer. Now I know what I want to be when I grow up, a writer. —Hannah
You teached us so much about your books. It was awesome. –Eva
Thank you for writing the amazing books that led you to our school. I loved the way you talked about Manjiro and how you found him. — Emma
Your dog has good advice. — Celia
From Library and workshop Participants
“Margi Preus is a wonderful speaker. She’s funny, interesting, and very engaging. 100% of respondents said they enjoyed the event. We would absolutely have Margi speak again at our library. ”
She was a blast! Loved her range of topics — from writing to presenting — very inspiring for a "wannabe" writer.
She was a joy to listen to!
Engaging and lighthearted.
She was wonderful!
She was knowledgeable and made us feel comfortable in learning all about HER as a person and an author!
Fun to listen to. Had great ideas and information.
She delivered way beyond my expectations!
She was just delightful. I could easily spend days listening to her.
She was truly phenomenal!!!!!!